Thursday, April 24
Wednesday, April 23

Dear Barack and Michelle
While this is certainly not a time to panic, if winning not just the nomination but the general election is the point then concern is certainly in order.
On the one hand you have demonstrated that a large number of white men will vote for you, the truth remains that a sizable portion of the country will also vote against you simply because you're a black male. Does this equal the number that will vote against Hillary simply because she is a women = maybe. but what about John McCain. This election must be framed a manner that highlights your strengths.
You're strengths being your oracle ability to inspire but it must be combined with the understanding that you are honest and sincere. In the same manner that you defended your ministers bitter statements you must also show that small town rural america shares a sense of bitterness and that the only way for the country to get beyond this division is for both parties to communicate and work together.
Both parties use religion to salve wounds and seek answers. But somewhere, somehow both angry groups that feel isolated and disenfranchised must have a focus that allows all to see they have more in common with one another than they have with the Republican party of wealth and fear.
To be successful you have to identify the common denominator. For too long the far right has been allowed to divide and separate common allies. You are losing the non college educated whites for the same reason Democrats have lost them for the last 40 years. You have been unable to make them see what you and they have in common. The fact being that as far as fears and desires there is little difference between a poor and lower middle class back and a poor to lower middle class white. Yes the black citizen has more obstacle, but both both groups have the same desires,same goals and similar fears.
You have reached the intellectuals of all races, but to reach everyone else you have to realize that we are in most ways the same. Emphasize what we have in common even the common bitterness and sense of powerlessness. Give us all a hope of having someone represent us and someone that knows our dissatisfaction yet realizes that deep down we are all still very hopefully, still want to believe in America's great promise. We all want freedom from the fear of want, fear of the unknown and freedom from fear for what our children will face.
While you can't offer guarantees, you can offer empathy and understanding.
Don't let the attacks keep you off message, The message being we are in this together and we can only make things better together.
You must bring us together not through fear, as is the Republican mantra but through hope.
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