Monday, October 27

Bombings Plunge Iraqi Capital Into Chaos at Start of Ramadan �BAGHDAD, Iraq - A series of suicide bombings shook Baghdad early today, including an attack on the offices of the International Committee of the Red Cross and blasts at four Iraqi police stations that punctuated two days of bloody violence in this capital city. Truthout
Civil Rights Groups Blast Bush Court Nominee Civil rights groups, which have been pressing Senate Democrats to filibuster a series of important judicial nominations by President Bush, are now mobilizing opposition to the latest nominee, California Supreme Court justice Janice Rogers Brown.

Brown, nominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, has also come under fire from other sources, including the New York Times, which on Saturday described her nomination as "among the very worst ...of the many unworthy judicial nominees President Bush has put forward." The D.C. Circuit is widely considered to be the second-most important court in the United States, after the Supreme Court itself. (by Jim Lobe, One world Net via Common Dreams